Thursday, April 9, 2009

What is going on?! [Phase II]

Again, another blind stupid retarded driver collided with my car!! Damn it!!
What's wrong with this whole month... 2 bangs and broken windscreen.. :(
and now my car was sent into workshop.
No car no life...!! It was seriously affecting my daily life!

" ............... " (speechless)


DelvC said...

aiyoh ..why so sial this month ?
i know how you feel loh living without car in KL

Ross said...

aiyoyoyo.. pity u la..

Miimo.L said... car really no life.. :(

al- hafiz said...

same goes to me la... my car is now in workshop too... already 2 months... next week it will be ready... hehehe

sadhu said...
